Chapter 223 - Men's Dress Women

The main altar of the white lotus was located in a small town several kilometers west of Mianyang City!

Zhang Ziqiu brought Zhao Chen and walked forward. The two of them rode horses and pointed to rivers and mountains along the way.

After walking for a while, a dense forest appeared in front of them. The two of them rode their horses into the forest and after a while, a small pavilion appeared in front of them. They saw a few women sitting within the pavilion!

After seeing these girls, Zhang Ziqiu could not help but stop, his face revealed a smile: "Brother Zhao, I met an old friend, let me introduce you to an old friend!"

Zhao Chen nodded!

Immediately, Zhang Ziqiu and Zhao Chen dismounted from their horses and headed towards the small pavilion!

The few women in the small pavilion also noticed Zhang Ziqiu and Zhao Chen. The woman sitting in the middle suddenly stood up and walked towards the two of them!

Zhao Chen immediately noticed her!

This woman was around sixteen or seventeen years old. She wore light red clothes and held a bamboo flute in her hand. She had a smile on her face!

She gave people the feeling that she was strangely quiet, her body also had a scholarly aura, her temperament was faintly similar to Zheyue Ru's! Just that when she looked at Zhao Chen, he couldn't help but feel a jolt in his heart, and was immediately shocked!

However, what kind of person was he? Leading thousands of men and daring to attack hundreds of thousands of enemy camps! His mind was as firm as iron, and after a moment, Zhao Chen stabilized his state of mind! His eyes only moved for a moment before returning to normal!

On the other hand, Zhang Ziqiu was smiling at the lady in red, his eyes filled with admiration!

The red-clothed female first looked at Zhang Ziqiu, then looked at Zhao Chen. Seeing that Zhao Chen was not moving, she was slightly surprised in her heart!

"Brother Zhang, how have you been?" The woman in red actually cupped her hands in a manly gesture and smiled.

"Junior Sister Xue, it's been more than two years since our last meeting, and your demeanor has become even more majestic than before!" Zhang Ziqiu laughed.

"Senior Brother, you flatter me!" I wonder who this is? " The red-clothed female looked at Zhao Chen and said.

Her expression was abnormally vivid, and when she looked at Zhao Chen, it made people feel like it was filled with affection! However, Zhao Chen knew that she was probably using a unique technique, or maybe she was born with such a technique! That was why he felt that his mind was unstable!

"This is my junior brother, Zhao Xi!" Zhang Ziqiu laughed.

Since he wanted to pull Zhao Chen here, he naturally had to arrange an identity for Zhao Chen, so Zhao Chen became his so-called junior brother!

"Seems like he might not be older than me?" "Then I will also call you Junior Brother Zhao!" The woman in red smiled.

Her smile was even more captivating, but it was a pity that Zhao Chen was still unmoved! This caused the woman in red to be even more surprised.

"Junior brother Zhao, this person is also an outstanding disciple of the Yinyang Sect, Xue Susu! When Senior Brother went to Luoyang, I was treated warmly by her! " Zhang Ziqiu introduced the red-clothed female.

Hearing that the lady in red was from the Yinyang Sect, Zhao Chen started to think more highly of her! His bodyguard was killed by the Cheng Wuji from the Yinyang Sect earlier, and he had already listed Cheng Wuji as someone who had to be killed! In his heart, he had even made Yinyang Sect his enemy! Since this red clothed female was from the Yinyang Sect, he couldn't not take her seriously!

All along the way, he had some understanding of the Yinyang Sect! Yinyang Sect was one of the five great sects of the demonic way, and he cultivated in yin and yang arts! Every generation of Yinyang Sect has two elite disciples, one male and one female, as the leader of the disciples! After that, the sect master of the Yinyang Sect picked one out from the two of them! Now it seems that Cheng Wuji and this Xue Susu in front of him was this male and female elite disciple!

He did not know that the cultivation technique of the Yinyang Sect's Yin sect disciples contained a bewitching technique. The woman in red had already used a bewitching technique on him while his inner force contained a dao heart technique. This was the reason why the woman in red was surprised!

"Why is Junior Sister Xue here? Why didn't she go to the main altar of white lotus?" Zhang Ziqiu said.

"I'm waiting for my senior brother to arrive!" Xue Susu said.

"I'm afraid your senior brother won't come!" Zhang Ziqiu laughed and said.

"We met your senior brother on the way here. Your senior brother had some conflict with my junior brother Zhao and got injured by him!" I'm afraid that he has to find a place to treat his injuries. With his cautious nature, he won't appear for a while! " Zhang Ziqiu said.

"So that's how it is?" Xue Susu said in disbelief.

She knew that his senior brother Cheng Wuji was an expert in martial arts, it was really hard for her to believe that this ten-odd year old youth would be able to defeat her senior brother!

She stared at Zhao Chen, who simply nodded his head!

"It seems that I have to test your martial arts skills!" She suddenly smiled and said.

In the midst of this laughter, she had already made her move, and lightly struck towards Zhao Chen with her palm!

Her palm strike did not contain a lot of strength, but before she could reach Zhao Chen's side, the power of her palm suddenly changed, flying towards Zhao Chen from the side!

Zhao Chen snorted, he struck out with his palm and deflected her palm!

Zhao Chen had also taught him his palm techniques, but they were purely Dao arts. They were upright and did not have a single trace of evil Qi, which was very different from demonic path martial arts!

"Senior brother Zhang, what your junior brother is training in does not seem to be the emotionless Dao of martial arts!" Xue Susu laughed.

As she spoke, she struck out with her palm, her figure moving extremely quickly, after a while, she actually circled around Zhao Chen, if an ordinary person were to see her figure moving, their eyes would probably turn blurry! Zhao Chen merely stood there, his expression did not change. He continued to casually strike out with his palm, blocking all of her attacks!

Not long after, she suddenly rushed towards Zhao Chen, as though she was going to jump into his arms!

Zhao Chen frowned. Both his hands struck out at the same time, grabbing both her wrists. She did not resist, and allowed Zhao Chen to grab onto her wrists.

Zhao Chen coldly snorted, and flung her body to the side, not even sparing her a glance!

This made Xue Susu even more shocked! All of these years, she had seen countless men, but she had never met someone like Zhao Chen who did not understand relationships! Even if it was Zhang Ziqiu, when he saw her, he could not help but admire her and be moved, but this Zhao Chen did not have a similar expression!

"Junior Sister Xue, stop messing around, let's go to the main altar of white lotus!" Zhang Ziqiu interrupted from the side.

"No need! Sister Song would be here soon! I have made an agreement with her to wait for her here! " Xue Susu said.

"Oh? Is she coming? " Zhang Ziqiu's face suddenly revealed an excited expression!

"It seems like Senior Zhang is interested in Senior Song?" Xue Susu laughed.

"Junior Sister Song has very high standards, and might not even be able to see Senior Brother Zhang in his eyes." Xue Susu said.

"There are no difficulties in the world. If he pursued her wholeheartedly, she would be touched! It's a pity that Junior Xue belongs to someone like you. Otherwise, I would have to chase after you! " Zhang Ziqiu laughed.

"Do you belong there?" Xue Susu's face revealed a dejected expression!

To the disciples of the Yinyang Sect, their marriage had already been decided! The cultivation techniques they practiced were divided into Yin and Yang. Since their young age, their disciples had already chosen one, and the marriage between disciples was also chosen from a young age! Being also a disciple of the Yinyang Sect, Xue Susu could only join hands with the male disciples of the Yinyang Sect! And if there was no surprise, it was Cheng Wuji!

As they were talking, a person walked out from the forest!

This person was dressed in white and had a handsome face. He had a folding fan in his hand and a treasured sword at his waist. He was walking towards them!

Looking from afar, this person was none other than the great young master of the turbid world!

However, when this person arrived in front of everyone, they realized that this wasn't their young master, but a young lady!

Although she was' handsome ', her face was a bit too soft compared to a man's. Her skin was too white! Her figure was still lower than that of an adult male!

She did not hide her identity as a woman, but only wore men's clothing!

She was extremely beautiful, and actually seemed to be one level above Zheyue Ru!

When he saw her, Xue Susu had already rushed forward, while Zhang Ziqiu stood there in a daze, looking at the young lady in men's clothing!

"Brother Zhang, how have you been?" The woman in men's clothing smiled and cupped her hands as she said.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine... How are you? " Zhang Ziqiu said in a somewhat soulless manner.

Seeing Zhang Ziqiu like this, Xue Susu laughed once again, and the man dressed in the woman also smiled slightly.

Very quickly, the girl in men's clothing looked at Zhao Chen!

Upon seeing Zhao Chen, her face first revealed an astonished expression, but then her expression changed greatly!

After a while, she actually walked over with a face full of joy and said: "It's actually you! Why are you here? "

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